Shareware Grab Bag
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#: 2297 S1/Software
25-Jan-86 21:51:09
Sb: #Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: George Glines 74206,2624
To: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663 (X)
Dave, does the Racore Hard Disk stack on top like the Drive 2? Seems like the
jr would be 12 feet high then. Do they take a trade-in, the floppy for the
hard disk? I would like them to come out with an HD that connects through the
side-bus (a la SPC). Any chance we could harrass them enough to do it?
*** There are replies:
2308, 2339
Enter command, N for next
message or <CR> for menu : n
#: 2299 S1/Software
25-Jan-86 22:07:02
Fm: DAN SPENCE 74766,2577
Enter command, N for next
message or <CR> for menu : ns
#: 2304 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 00:51:53
Sb: #command.com problem
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: all
I've been having a problem with DOS 2.1 on the jr that best manifests itself
while using PC-Write. PC-Write offers the option of starting a new "shell"
so you can perform DOS commands and return to the editor without saving your
file. This is a special case of loading a secondary command
processor, described on page 1-11 of the DOS 2.1 manual. Theoretically, you
should be able to type COMMAND at DOS level and have a second copy of
COMMAND.COM running. In this copy you can change the environment, etc.,
then type EXIT and be back to the same state as when you started. On my
system, this does not work. I have tried all sorts of system configurations
(with COMMAND.COM on a ram disk, COMSPECed and COMZAPed, or with a default
128K (top 16K video) and COMMAND.COM on drive A:), in all of them the system
hangs, but can be re-booted with CTL-ALT-DEL. When COMMAND.COM is on a
floppy, the system hangs with the disk motor spinning (and spinning and
spinning ...) with the drive light on. Has anybody else ever tried this
(especially with PC-Write) and had problems or succeded? I'm looking for
feedback. Thanks, all!
*** There are replies:
2343, 2406
#: 2305 S7/SysOp's Desk
26-Jan-86 01:26:07
Sb: #PCjr Fire Sale
Fm: Karl Konnerth 76044,354
To: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642 (X)
Even trying to support several standards at once (rather than junking the old)
can be a pain. I know - I work in MIS support and planning group. We've been
moving documents from IBM PCs to Wang PCs and WP, from HP-150 3.5" floppies to
MS-DOS 5.25" floppies, and trying to do the same for our Macs. Contrary to
popular belief, very few corporate PCs are isolated islands - and we end up
trying to link them together in one way or another.
Plus, being the owner/user of many 8-bit computers, the advantage of IBM's
relative compatibility is not lost on me!
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#: 2306 S0/General Information
26-Jan-86 02:30:49
Fm: SCOTT MILLER 75116,165
To: Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Don, Thanks for your help with LUE210.COM. Your suggestions did the trick!
Just one question, though. Now that I've got the files what do I do with them?
I know what their suppose to do (fix the bugs in DOS 2.1), I just need to know
how to do it with the DOSPAT.LBR files. DO i merely copy them onto my DOS 2.1
disk? Will they then make the fixes everytime I boot the disk? Forgive my dumb
questions, but these things are a little over my head!
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#: 2307 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 02:31:04
Sb: Quadram Exp Chassis
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: dan oathout 75046,2142 (X)
An "A" message during a cold start signifies a memory error. It might be
a good idea to look in and make sure that all your RAM chips are installed
properly. If that doesn't get it, you should, to quote the manual,"Have the
machine serviced."
#: 2308 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 02:31:14
Sb: #2297-Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: George Glines 74206,2624 (X)
The Racore HD does stack on top. I have the HD only, so that's no biggie
to me. They probably will not stray away from the stack-on modual concept as
that is their trademark, but I will mention it to them. BTW -- They are
working seriously to get a Fido BBS going, and I am going to talk them into
getting a CIS account and hanging out here on PCS-62.
#: 2311 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 03:28:31
Sb: #jrCaptain upgrade
Fm: Brad Kunkel 76327,566
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
I noticed your messages about the Tecmar Treasure Chest and I'd like to put my
two cents in. I recently got the Tecmar upgrade and have been unable to use
the PRINTER buffer at all no matter where I load the video memory (of course
where its loaded might not make any difference). As far as using DOSTIME or
SETTIME they both work great as well as TICK, the program that puts a clock on
the screen. I'm coming in on the middle of this conversation but I could use
some input on the problem with PRINTER. I have version 1.5
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2325, 2426
#: 2313 S0/General Information
26-Jan-86 07:02:58
Sb: #2306-DOSPAT.LBR
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: SCOTT MILLER 75116,165
Scott - First you should format a new boot floppy using the /S parameter so the
system files are on it. Copy the patch programs over and type PATCH DOS21
<enter>. The PATCH program will go in and modify one of the hidden files (I
think it's IBMBIO, but I can't recall for sure). After the patches have been
applied you can erase the PATCH program and data files from your new disk.
Now copy over your usual boot disk utilites and programs and use the new
diskette to boot from. You should always use the new diskette when you use
FORMAT so the modified hidden files will be transferred to any new boot
diskettes you make.
Try it out and let me know. Don
#: 2315 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 07:57:27
Sb: 2 drives
Fm: Mike Manakas 70357,676
To: Tony Posch 75116,574 (X)
I purchased J&M Systems floppy drive about 3 months ago after reading an ad in
PC magazine. The disk controller board replaces the IBM disk controller and it
can run a total of 3 drives, one of which would be the internal drive. I went
with this system because I have an internal modem which I am not ready to dump
and several of the other add on floppy systems use the internal slot for their
disk controller. The other advantage I saw was the ability to add a hard drive
directly to their controller board.
The 2nd floppy has been running flawlessly and was easy to install. My
only problem in installing was figuring out that the program recognizing the
2nd drive had to the first 'device' on my config.sys file. I have just ordered
their 10MB hard disk.
Their prices aren't too bad:
Controller & Software......................$149
" " & one floppy drive....$295
" " & two floppy drives...$449
10 MB Hard Drive System....................$750
20 MB Hard Drive System....................$995 Their Phone # is
#: 2316 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 08:10:49
Sb: #Jr Captain
To: 72407,2010 (X)
Murray, If you're one of the unfortunate folks (like me) who got a Captain
board with the chips soldered in, then the only way to boost to 512K is to get
those chips out (somehow) and then replace them with 256K chips. I got a
message from someone else in this SIG who had done this and apparently had
trouble. I'm sure it would be very easy to screw up the board while trying to
unsolder the chips. Probably the easiest thing to do is to buy the Jr Cadet
from Techmar (you can order it from their Tech. support dept,216-349-3130, for
$150) which has 384K installed and will bring the Jr up to 640K. Also, I
haven't had any luck with the printer spooler either. But I can recommend an
excellent public domain program (MSPOOL.EXE) that will allow you to set up a
printer buffer up to 56K and it works just fine on the JR with the Captain
board installed. You could look for it on a local bbs, or let me know and I
could upload it to this SIG for you. Talk to you later.........
Dale Blasingame
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#: 2318 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 08:54:31
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: MIKE 76456,1042
Mike: Most anyone on the SIG will recommend that she get a 1200 bps Hayes
compatible modem. (Make sure it is Hayes compatible!!) There are many good
ones on the market. Some folks seem to like the Anchor Volksmodem 12 or their
Signalman Mark XII. Others like the Smartteam. The Hayes Smartmodem is
excellent, but expensive.
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#: 2319 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 09:01:27
Sb: Microsoft Windows
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Lee Meredith 75226,3033 (X)
The jr. Keyboare implementation was a cost-cutting measure on IBM's part. The
designers and product planners did not forsee the PCjr as being used by people
adept at touch-typing, so were not too concerned at the slower response of the
keyboard. The 15 character buffer is common to the jr. and its bigger
brothers. It is well documented in the Technical Reference manuals, and in the
Peter Norton books. They have short explanations in the books as to how you
can assign a larger keyboard buffer. As to MS Windows, I can't comment on
folks' problems with keyboard data. Don't have either Windows or Topview......
#: 2321 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 09:16:33
Sb: #software
Fm: Robert Grunnah 75706,3433
To: all
I would like to know if anyone of you guys would have any information leading t
about a game for the junior called BEYOND CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN ? I am willing to
pay a high price for anyone who knows where I can get this game for a low
price,thanks (75706,3433)
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#: 2322 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 09:23:51
Sb: #Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
Tom: As I understand it, the internal modem slot does not have the signals
necessary for supporting a DMA chip on its connectors. AAll necessary signal
lines are available on the expansion bus on the side of the system unit. It's
a helluva lot cheaper to build a card for the modem slot than to build one as a
sidecar. Simple economics dictates what a small mfr. will do. (sigh). I'm in
the process of adding second diskette drive.... Ordered the cable & controller
modification kit from Home Computer Magazind, a CDC half-height drive from
jrConnection, and a case from IB , Computers. Now I just have to wait for the
stuff to arrive. Total cost comes out at a little less than the jrConnection
second drive, but has the benefit of not using the internal modem slot, so I
can delay purchasing an external modem a while longer.
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#: 2323 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 09:28:08
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
ACCO makes anti-glare screens of Nylon mesh, they probably have one to fit jr.
Try PC Connection, or one of the other big mail-order houses, such as MISCO or
Nebs. Nebs has a toll free number (800)-225-9550 for information on their anti
glare screens. They cost $32.95
#: 2325 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 09:37:58
Sb: #2311-jrCaptain upgrade
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Brad Kunkel 76327,566 (X)
Tecmar acknowledges that there are problems with SOME of the programs in
version 1.4, which I have. I don't know if they were fixed in 1.5 or not.
Tecmar is not known for informing folks about upgrades to their products. This
is COMMON practice in the industry, though.
#: 2328 S6/Community Center
26-Jan-86 09:39:35
Sb: #Early riser
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: [F0] SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Hey, Don!! You got up before breakfast!! Couldn't ya sleep??
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#: 2329 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 09:45:27
Sb: #2321-software
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Robert Grunnah 75706,3433
Check jrConnection (800)-426-5772 . They have good stock of software for jr.
at reasonable prices.
#: 2330 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 10:10:00
Sb: #1200 baud
Fm: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164
To: Anyone
I'm using a jr with a Hayes 1200 and PC-Talk (basic)...which works fine on
Compuserve at 300 baud. But I'm getting an unusually high number of line noise
indications (<<>>) at 1200 baud. Parameters are set to 7,E,1 (I've
double-checked the terminal and Defalt.) The same conditions appear on Tymenet,
Telenet and CIS direct. Does the jr have a generic problem with 1200 baud, or
perhaps could the Basic version of PC-Talk be at fault? Hints, tips or
soothing words greatly appreciated...
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#: 2331 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 10:24:33
Sb: Junior sound
Fm: Mark Boatright 74206,1751
To: Sam Starr 70705,1323 (X)
Sam, before you start cutting you might give the beepoff program in dl1 a try.
It disables only the internal speaker.
#: 2332 S0/General Information
26-Jan-86 10:40:39
Sb: #Education
Fm: Sam Shallenberger 72125,1101
To: all
I would appreciate any help available in finding some public domain educational
programs for the PC / PCjr. I am specifically looking for elementary (k-6)
math programs, but will appreciate any and all help.
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#: 2333 S7/SysOp's Desk
26-Jan-86 10:54:14
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Keep trying Don, he's really a nice guy and his new module may be
what a lot of people are looking for.
#: 2334 S0/General Information
26-Jan-86 11:04:02
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: DAVID J. VOLLMER 72467,2444
I do four junior leagues a week using my PCjr and a Star
Micronics SG-10 printer. I wrote the program myself and if you
would like some more information, send me a SASE to:
Scott Thomas
130 Hosmer Drive
Syracuse, NY 13209
or call me at (315) 635-9209
I'll send you back some printout samples. At the moment, it only
keeps the weekly updates. You would still have to keep the books on
a weekly basis (I'm working on expanding the program to include this
after the this season is over). The print out shows the team's standinsgs
the leagues top average bowlers, top high triples and singles, each
individuals total pins, no. of games, average, hcp, top scratch single and
triple for the year and the weeks lane assignments for each team.
It's written in BASIC so you will need Cartridge BASIC (i.e., I
stayed away for PCjr specific commands, so it works on any IBM or
Let me know if you are interested.
#: 2336 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 12:30:59
Sb: #2322-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Charlie, I think perhaps you misunderstood me. The Racore DMA board IS
coneected through the side bus, so what I'm asking is why a hard disk
controller that sits in the internal modem slot would be effected by it. Most
controllers function perfectally, obviously, with all other PC family members,
all of which have DMA capabilities. I just don't fathom this one.
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#: 2337 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 12:31:18
Sb: #Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663 (X)
David, what are the current prices on the 10 meg. Obviously there'd be a real
advantage to going with the Racore, to maintain system compatability with the
other add-ons I already have, but what got me excited about the other
manufacturers was a LOT better prices, especially RIM's 15 meg drive for $695,
with the controller and cable. P.S.... I'm sending out a check for membership
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#: 2338 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 12:31:39
Sb: #8088-2
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Anyone
Has anyone heard anything more, or attempted themselves, to use the Microspeed
8088-2 repacement for the jr's 8088, which according to a note here (from you
Charlie?) is supposed to give the jr the capability to run at 8mhz.? Intriguing
idea, and I never heard anything else about it.
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2360, 2513
#: 2339 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 12:32:33
Sb: #2297-Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: George Glines 74206,2624 (X)
I remember seeing a jr with a second floppy and a hard disk, both Racore, both
stacked on top of the system unit way back about a year ago. It didn't look too
bad. But since that was in my pre-drive II days I didn't check on some of the
questions I now have... like the exposed circuitry on the side of the drive
two, does the hard disk have it, and with the sidecar only going up "2 levels"
what happens to it?
BTW, this incompatibility between Racore's DMA and other manufacturers hard
disks really ticks me off. I guess the the price of buying a machine with an
external bus only, everybody does their add-ons to a slightly different
standard. Frustrating. I bought the DMA option to lock myself in to as much PC
compatability in the future as possible, only to find myself locked out of the
hard disk market except for one manufacturer. With PC internal 10 meg hard
disks down to $395, with controllers, and STILL coming down, its frustrating to
see the prices jr owners are still forced to fork over. When I see a jr 10 meg
drive selling for over $1000, it drives me *CRAZY* knowing you can buy a whole
computer, with a 10 meg drive, 256k, floppy drive, monochrome monitor, etc, for
just a tiny bit more. Clone prices are falling rapidly!
#: 2340 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 12:33:16
Sb: #oh
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: all
John, I use that feature of PCWrite all the time with no problem. I haven't had
to go through any of the gyrations you have. Simply boot the sysytem, type "ED
FILENAME.EXT" at the DOS prompt, then hit the F1, F4 sequence in mid-edit.
After doing my DOS business, type "EXIT" at the prompt, and bingo! I'm back
where I was.
Two possibilities. 1) Have you patched the NMI bugs on your DOS
diskette? They're available here under the filename "DOSPAT.LBR" and correct
the bugs in DOS 2.1 which cause many bizarre hang-up problems for different
applications on the jr. 2) What version of PCWrite are you using? I *seem* to
remember an old thread from way back in the JR subsection of IBM Novice Forum
days, that in earlier versions of PCW the DOS shell feature didn't work on the
jr. I'm using version 2.55 (2.6 supposedly due out "real soon now.").
Good luck.
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#: 2341 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 12:51:32
Sb: #2340-#oh
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
I have used a DOSPAT.LBR although I didn't get it from here. I'm going to try
it on a virgin DOS copy. I'm using version 2.4 of PC-Write (it came with my
Impulse board). The PC-Write version incompatibility does not explain why I
can't get a second command processor to load even at DOS level, though. I'll
keep trying. Thanks!
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#: 2342 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 13:01:43
Sb: #JR Modems
Fm: Jim Meier 72257,3320
To: all
I would be iterested in any comments regarding other modems of JR. I am
interested in upgrading to 1200 baud from my 300 internal. I definitly want one
that is Hayes compatible. I [C have heard of a 1200 baud internal, but is it
Hayes compatible? What about using external modems? Please help! Jim
*** There are replies:
2363, 2376
#: 2343 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 14:20:49
Sb: #2304-#command.com problem
Fm: John Huffman 75366,1525
To: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401 (X)
John - Are you using an Impulse sidecar? If so the EPROM causes the problem.
A fix is in the works (not by Impulse).
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#: 2344 S6/Community Center
26-Jan-86 14:46:49
Sb: #2328-Early riser
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Charlie - Naw, you ain't been watchin'! If us country boys ain't up before 4,
it's a lost day. Besides, I get incredible system response! Don
#: 2345 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 14:48:07
Sb: #1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: All
Hey guys, I finally bit the bullet and bought a 1200 baud modem, a used US
Robotics Password. It took me a while to figure out how to get on at 1200
baud, but I finally succeeded at that. What I now want to do is download at
1200 baud. (Nothing better for my phone to do during the Super Bowl) Anyways,
I set my Vidtex parameters to 8-N-1 and all I get is garbage. I went to DEFALT
and set my parity to Zero. Still garbage. Now what? Is there something I am
doing wrong?
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#: 2346 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 14:49:49
Sb: #2330-#1200 baud
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164 (X)
Tony - The interpreter has a tough time of it @ 1200 baud, so you might want to
get a compiled version of PC-Talk, or even something better. I'll be glad to
send you a disk, check JRCOMM.TXT in DL7 for my address and details.
Another alternative might be to increase the size of the comm buffer that's
being set up when you start PC-Talk. Try something like /C:9048 and see if
it'll make a difference. Don
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#: 2347 S0/General Information
26-Jan-86 14:52:06
Sb: #2332-Education
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Sam Shallenberger 72125,1101 (X)
Sam - I'm not a good judge of what's good educational stuff, but you might want
to try the program AUSTIN.BAS in DL2 of PCS-129. Sounds like it might be
exactly what you're looking for. Don
#: 2349 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 14:54:21
Sb: #2345-#1200 woes
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill - Keep your VIDTEX comm parameters at 7 data bits; he'll automatically
switch to 8 data bits when it's time for a download. Don
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#: 2351 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 17:12:45
Sb: #2337-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
I am still waitin' for Racore to let me know what the group discount is
going to be on their products. I know the list price is about $900 for the 10
MB, about $1200 for the 20 MB. As I understand it, the HD's are available ONLY
with factory installed DMA. I'll let you know soon as I find out what the
group prices are.
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2374, 2429
#: 2352 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 18:11:38
Sb: Basic
Fm: Mel Perkins 70536,1454
To: All
I'm trying to get BASICA to load from the DOS disk without the cartridge. I
have followed the directions in RAMBAS.TXT by renaming BASIC and BASICA but I
still get a 'Cartridge Required' message. Any suggestions?
Thanks Mel Perkins
#: 2353 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 18:30:57
Sb: #2316-Jr Captain
Fm: Murray Hays 72407,2010
To: DALE BLASINGAME 72667,571 (X)
Dale, thanks for the information. I'm not sure if I'm going to try to replace
the chips myself (yes, I also have the soldered-in chips) or buy a jrCadet.
We'll see. Thanks also for the spooler info. I'll look for one on a local
#: 2354 S2/Hardware
26-Jan-86 19:10:41
Sb: Junior sound
Fm: Randall L. Baxter 72447,3677
To: Sam Starr 70705,1323 (X)
#: 2355 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 19:17:44
Sb: ASCII PRO-EZ manual
Fm: Murray Hays 72407,2010
To: all
Does anyone have a Telelearning modem with the ASCII PRO-EZ software which
accompanies it? If so, I need a copy of the manual (which is no longer
available). If you have one, I would be glad to pay for the copying and
mailing costs. Thanks.
#: 2356 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 19:38:41
Fm: Harry White 72237,3036
To: All
Hi All Has anyone had any luck with PROCOMM on jr? Thanks Harry White
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#: 2358 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 20:20:53
Sb: #2343-#command.com problem
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: John Huffman 75366,1525 (X)
I wish I had known that a few hours ago. In the meantime I figured that out
myself, and have also written a fix for it, though I'm not sure how general it
is. However, now my system works fine. If any other IMpulse sidecar owners want
me to, I'll upload it with documentation. Thanks for the help!
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#: 2359 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 20:30:25
Sb: #2336-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
re My mistake, Tom....in this case, I would guess that the problem is due to
the fact that the hard disk controller would be unable to detect that DMA is
active.....once again, because the lines are not brought into the internal
modem slot. This is pure guess on my part....have not bothered to check this
out via the Techref.
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#: 2360 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 20:32:24
Sb: #2338-8088-2
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
Other than one mention of the Microspeed, Tom, I've seen and heard nothing
about it.
#: 2361 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 20:50:36
Sb: #2349-#1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Actually, my problem was with Vidtex. Instead of choosing no parity, I chose
zero parity. When I fixed my mistake, I could download fine. Next question is,
to you or whomever, can ATO be run on my machine with the Robotics modem and no
DMA? If so, do I need JCK or SWAPCOM?
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2367, 2377
#: 2362 S1/Software
26-Jan-86 20:59:55
Sb: Fansi Console 1.12
Fm: Alan Fusco 74726,1316
To: All
Has anyone had any luck running Fansi Console vs 1.12 on a 256K jr? I get some
functions to work, but alot of times jr locks up with a high pitched sound. Am
I configuring it wrong?
#: 2363 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 22:25:36
Sb: #2342-JR Modems
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: Jim Meier 72257,3320
I would reccomend an external Hayes or Hayes compatible, in the
January issue of OnLine Today, is an advertisement for the ADC 1200
baud modem sold by DAK for only $169.00! It is uses the AT command set
and I have heard nothing but good things about it here (I sure someone
who has one could fill you in on the details).
Add to that the price for IBM's Cable for Serial Devices which goes
for about $20-$25 from an IBM dealer plus another $25 for an RS-232
25-pin cable and you are all set. All programs like PC-Talk III (with
PCjr merges), Qmodemjr and GT31 all work using this configuration.
pfs:ACCESS and I'm sure other commercial products do too.
Hope this helps.
#: 2364 S4/Telecommunications
26-Jan-86 22:36:53
Sb: #2346-1200 baud
Fm: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Don, thanks for the advice. I have your address and will be sending along a
formatted blank disc (or two) for whatever you think might help. Meantime,
I'll play around with PC-Talk and try to figure out how to change the comm
#: 2367 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 08:39:28
Sb: #2361-#1200 woes
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill - It'll run, but the xon/xoff doesn't work very well and you'll drop a few
characters from messages every now and then if you're capturing to a
conventional floppy (vs. a RAMdisk). JCK or SWAPCOM not required.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2369 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 11:02:23
Fm: Ed Robichaud 72767,2064
Help! Need sample of file to use with PC-DIAL and internal modem on JR to
access compuserv and use x-modem tranfers. tks - Ed
*** There is a reply:
#: 2372 S2/Hardware
27-Jan-86 16:10:14
Fm: DAVID SNYDER 76327,1455
#: 2373 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 17:18:13
Sb: #2341-#oh
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401 (X)
A ha! The Impulse board, eh? I couldn't do it when I had an Impulse board
either, although I didn't try very hard. In fact, seems to me that other folks
have had the same problem. What are you using for memory re-allocation software
(assuming you have added memory to the board)? Impulse's programs were always
buggier than a swamp in August for me, I got lucky and came up with a copy of
IBM/Microsoft's "PCJRMEM.COM" which worked like a charm with Impulse hardware.
By the way, PCWrite definately gets better with later versions. I got
2.3, also with my Impulse board. Moved up to 2.5, than 2.55, and am happier
than ever with it.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2374 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 17:18:32
Sb: #2351-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663 (X)
David, could you check on what happens if you ALREADY have DMA in a drive II
unit? Clearly factory installed DMA becomes a bit redundant then, no?
$900 is a good bit lower than the last list price I heard about. Still
steep, but moving in the right direction.
P.S....mailed membership dues today.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2375 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 17:18:44
Sb: #2359-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Thanks Charlie. Still not sure how an active DMA channel would effect the
controller, but I'll take your word for it.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2376 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 17:19:09
Sb: #2342-JR Modems
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Jim Meier 72257,3320
I'm real happy with my Hayes compatable SmarTeam 103/212A 300/1200 external.
Sells for about $165-180, depending on where you get it. Back of BYTE is a real
good place to shop for it. The only 1200 internal for jr. is the...uh... I
forget the name, but it mostly got very bad reviews here. Lots of people
returned theirs. Lots of software incompatabilities, if I remember correctly.
You need the little serial adapter plug for about $25 if you go external,
available at IBM Product Centers and maybe an occaisional dealer who still
handles that sort of thing.
#: 2377 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 17:19:24
Sb: #2361-1200 woes
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill, r.e Don's response... I ran ATO one day last week with DMA accidently
off, and I lost aline-beginning character about every 5th or 6th line. A little
annoying, but no big deal. And downloading to a RamDisk or your hard disk will
probably eliminate that.
#: 2378 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 18:43:20
Sb: #2367-#1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Thanks for the info. I will d/l ATO when I get a chance. My next question
has to do with VIDTEX. Like you, I use it plain, without any of the other
frills of the Pro Conn. Is there any way to set the comm parameters other than
manually with Alt-Q. Each time I enter the program, I must change the apparent
300-7-E-1 defaults.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2379 S2/Hardware
27-Jan-86 18:56:19
Sb: #RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
Got my information from RIM Electonics today on their 15 Megabyte unit
for the IBM PCjr (or PC, Portable & AT). Mostly what I have put down
early with a couple of surprises.
1.) RIM also sells a 300/1200 baud internal modem that isn't Hayes
compatible but, with a specialized verson of PROCOMM, works fine ac-
cording to RIM. The modem sells for $295.00.
2.) RIM will sell you the controller board separately for $95.00. It
comes with software but you must supply a SCSI (or Small Computer Systems
Interface???) Controller and the drive.
What I want to know is, can I, using the board. Put together a
20 Meg drive system cheaper, or around the same price, as RIM's $695
15 Meg system? And, what the heck is SCSI? I never heard of it.
One last thing, these prices are supposely --- LIMITED. No time
table was given or even referred to.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2380 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 19:54:12
Sb: #turbo pascal
Fm: Robert Olson 74436,614
To: all
Does anyone know a patch to Turbo Pascal to allow the use of the PCjr's
extended graphics modes?
*** There is a reply:
#: 2381 S2/Hardware
27-Jan-86 19:57:18
Sb: IBM PC compact printer
Fm: Todd Wilkinson 76317,3302
To: Yar Chaikovsky
YarThe PC compact printer sells for $300 at the IBM product center. I am
selling it for $175. Todd
#: 2382 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 20:01:46
Sb: #2373-oh
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
You're so right about Impulse's video relocation software being full of bugs.
I was well on my way toward writing my own when I, too, got hold of IBM's
PCJRMEM.COM. It has a problem of it's own, though, because it doesn't clear
all of the memory it's reserving for video (32K for /E, 96K for /C), just the
16K it's about to use for display. I noticed this when typing "SCREEN 0,0,0"
(aka the F10 key) in Cartridge BASIC. At least that's why I think I saw all
sorts of strange characters and colors. My fix to that was to use DEBUG and i/o
redirection. I use /C and include in my AUTOEXEC.BAT the line DEBUG <CLEARMEM
>NUL where the file CLEARMEM contains f 0000:8000 fffe 20 07 f 1000:0000 fffe
20 07 q it takes almost no time and gets rid of the characters. By the way, I
do use the Impulse RAMDISK, because it puts the RAM disk at the top of memory,
so I don't have problems with Cartridge BASIC "Out of Memory" hiccups. If
anybody else out there owns Impulse and has problems with COMMAND.COM and/or
new shells, let me know.
#: 2384 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 20:05:32
Sb: #2369-PC-DIAL
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Ed Robichaud 72767,2064 (X)
Ed - You can check out the file JRCOMM.TXT in DL7 and it should give you lots
of info on using PC-DIAL. Just use the CIS <R>ead command and don't do a
protocol download.
One problem, tho. PC-DIAL's xmodem won't work on CompuServe (that's the bad
news). The good news is that you'll find out how to get some free software that
will work by reading JRCOMM.TXT.
Let me know if you have any problems getting the file. Don
#: 2385 S2/Hardware
27-Jan-86 20:06:20
Sb: Jr. sound
Fm: Sam Starr 70705,1323
To: James Orleff 70325,566
Many thanks for your help, and yes, I did take the bull by the horns and solved
it the hard way, i.e., the hardware approach. I had a schematic, so it wasn't
difficult to find that the trace from Pin 3 of the 75477 chip was the one to
cut. You've probably noticed from messages from Evatt, Boatwright, and Baxter,
that there are easy software ways to do the job.
#: 2386 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 20:17:07
Sb: #2378-#1200 woes
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill - Yes, there *is* a way to specify parameters on the command line (or more
correctly, to specify a file that contains parameters). Ah, here it is!
You can create files called AST files as in xxxx.AST where xxxx is some name
you designate. The format of an AST file is:
H (for [H]igh (1200 baud) speed or L for [L]ow (300 baud) speed).
YYY.ATO (where yyy.ato is a compiled script)
You'd fire it up from the DOS prompt with a VIDTEX TEST (or whatever you call
your AST file).
You *might* be able to get by without the YYY.ATO file and just the H in the
TEST.AST file.
Other parameters shouldn't matter as they are self adjusting depending on what
you need to do.
This should do it, if not lemme know. I had to dig for this and I'm try and dig
up some more in the meantime. Don
*** There is a reply:
#: 2389 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 20:44:50
Sb: Horse Handicapping
Fm: George Glines 74206,2624
To: roger fullerton 73137,3552 (X)
Roger, pick up a copy of Computer Shopper. I see several horse-racing programs
advertised all the time.
George Glines
#: 2391 S2/Hardware
27-Jan-86 21:51:46
Fm: ROD DRUMM 72407,377
To: a
Ordered 2nd disk drive for JR, from
Creative Firmware Kit from JR Connection in N.H.
includes: CDC drive (with power supply)
Card for DMA to be placed in internal modem slot card controlls
disk access for both drives
????? Antone else have one ?? Are you happy?? Any problems??
????? Any installation quirks to be expected??
#: 2394 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 22:15:33
Sb: #2356-PROCOMM
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Harry White 72237,3036
You can run Procomm on the PCjr with the aid of a program called
SWAPCO.COM available here in the Data Library. It will fix PCjr's COM port
addressing problem. Once you have run SWAPCO.COM, start Procomm and then set
up to use COM 2. That should do it for you.
#: 2395 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 22:15:56
Sb: #2375-Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
Racore tells me that they change the disk access timing with their DMA,
so it would probably be necessary to make the change on anything else you add
on to get it to work properly. I am working on getting Racore to help us out
with a fix or something. Racore is VERY responsive to the consumer, and I'm
sure they will do something for us.
#: 2396 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 22:16:16
Sb: #2374-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
I'll check, but keep in mind that we are talking about the *new* DMA, which is
a completely rethought <rethunk?> product. I will find out what I can, it may
take a few days as they are in the middle of transition and VERY busy/
*** There is a reply:
#: 2398 S1/Software
27-Jan-86 22:16:57
Sb: #2380-turbo pascal
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Robert Olson 74436,614 (X)
Have you been in the Turbo Pascal SIG yet (Go BOR-100)? They are some
pretty smart cookies over there ... chances are there's something like you're
looking for, although I haven't been a Turbo user long enough to have found it.
You could probably use some assembler to get down to the machine, but I'm not
sure how Turbo handles that, my class hasn't gone that far yet.
#: 2401 S4/Telecommunications
27-Jan-86 23:03:38
Fm: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447
For those still waiting on the Tecmar Cadet the word from Tecmar is
they'll start shipping the first of February. Has anyone devised a way to get
around the bugs of the Volksmodem 300/1200? I've got it working fine at 1200
baud with CISJR3X on compuserve but it fails a 1200 with other services. If I
can't find a solution soon I'll have to let it go for a more compatable modem -
Anyone have any suggestions? I guess ya live and learn! Thanks, Jean
*** There are replies:
2470, 2488, 2521
#: 2405 S4/Telecommunications
28-Jan-86 05:34:50
Sb: Norton books
Fm: Mark Weisz 72057,1566
To: Sean Dillon 76317,2446
Sean, you could call Norton directly, but the answer is that "Mastering" is
probably not forthcoming, ever. Norton would probably refer you to his
Programmers Guide to the IBMPC, which includes Jr. "Mastering was supposed to
come out in the spring of '85 but Jr.'s demise probably killed it.
#: 2406 S1/Software
28-Jan-86 05:34:56
Sb: #2304-#command.com problem
Fm: Mark Weisz 72057,1566
To: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401 (X)
John, I have never had COMSPEC or COMSZAP work on my Jr. DOS ignores 'em and
goes right back to drive a:. By the way, you didn't ever live in Massachusetts
did you?
*** There are replies:
2514, 2572
#: 2407 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 07:09:36
Fm: michael w. baumann 72217,2207
To: all
*** There are replies:
2413, 2473
#: 2408 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 08:08:53
Fm: DENIS DAY 75236,3325
*** There are replies:
2414, 2522
#: 2413 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 10:17:05
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: michael w. baumann 72217,2207
Mini Micro Mart in Syracuse handles Racore products for the PCjr.
Though I do not know if they can get the 'old' DMA version or not.
Give them a call at 315-422-4467 and ask for Nick. BTW- the new
memory boards will go into the old boards.
#: 2414 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 10:19:35
Sb: #2408-MICE
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: DENIS DAY 75236,3325
I believe any of the serial mouse systems should work as long as you
have the PCjr Cable for Serial Devices. I use the Logitech Mouse,
programs like Topview or MS Windows will not work on the PCjr unless
you have a mouse. (I know some of you do not use a mouse with these
programs but, believe me, it is much nicer having one).
#: 2415 S0/General Information
28-Jan-86 10:28:48
Sb: Sidecar For Sale
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
I am selling a QuadMEMjr. memory sidecar for the PCjr which is fully
populated using 256 DRAM chips giving it 512K. This will bring a bare
PCjr up to 640K! I have used it with the following hardware setups.
1...Bare PCjr with parallel printer port.
2...PCjr with internal modem, power expansion sidecard, parallel port
3...Racore Drive II (w/ no internal memory), interanl modem
4...Racore Drive II (same as above), external modem
If you have anything in your internal modem slot, I would reccomend
adding the IBM Power Expansion.
Comes with software for setting the RAM video into larger sizes,
RAM disks, print spoolers and for a clock (if you have one). This is
a pure memory board, no other hardware devices are included. Original
documentation is included.
.............................selling for $255 or best.
Will sell the power expansion for $50 with unit ($95, separately)
Leave E-Mail or a message here. Checks, MO accepted.
#: 2420 S4/Telecommunications
28-Jan-86 15:43:56
Sb: #2386-#1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
But VIDTEX defaults to COM1, 7 bits, and even parity, right? How can I send
and AST file that will change my parameters to COM2, 8 bits, and no parity?
Also, I have also been playing around with the entire Pro Connection. For
some reason, the modem will not auto-dial from the LOGIN command. I set the
phone number, and the terminal to Hayes Touch. But when I get the [Dialing] on
my screen, it just hangs. If I then type in ATDT3327382, it works fine.
Ah, the ravages of PCJr telecommunications!
*** There are replies:
2422, 2438
#: 2422 S4/Telecommunications
28-Jan-86 19:20:03
Sb: #2420-1200 woes
Fm: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Excuse me for jumping in, however:
1. Make sure the modem's switches are set according to the Hayes factory
2. Make sure your modem is on when you *start* the ProConnection.
3. If it ain't a Hayes, make sure it accepts an "AT V0" (short responses)
command. If that's not the right command to get short messages (numbers
instead of words), you may be able to use the login command.
Hope this helps. BTW, I learned all this the hard way while writing JRTELE.COM
and REALLY messing up my modem's internal switches.
#: 2426 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 19:44:11
Sb: #2311-jrCaptain upgrade
Fm: David Brown 74206,2437
To: Brad Kunkel 76327,566 (X)
Brad, I too have had problems with the PRINTER program from Tecmar. When I
first got my jrCaptain board, I had version 1.3 of the Treasure Chest, then I
had my jrCaptain in for a minor problem and was given version 1.4, but went
back to the 1.3 version of PRINTER after having problems. The 1.3 version has
been no trouble, and I have no idea what Tecmar did to 1.4 to cause any
--- David
#: 2427 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 19:49:10
Sb: #2318-#MODEMS
Fm: David Brown 74206,2437
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Charlie, what have you heard about the 1200 bps modem available from DAK
Industries for $169. Is it enough Hayes compatible to be useful? It certainly
sounds like a good deal. I've ordered things from DAK before and have been
pleased with their service.
--- David
*** There is a reply:
#: 2428 S7/SysOp's Desk
28-Jan-86 19:56:25
Sb: #dO
Fm: David Lame 76314,2032
To: 73247,414
dear Cindy Have you had any luck downloading files from the data libraries. If
so drop me a line and let me know how you did it. I'm David (76314,2032). I'm
ready to pull my hair out, Even If you hadn't had any luck drop me a line and
let me know what you have tried.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2429 S1/Software
28-Jan-86 19:58:53
Sb: #2351-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: David Brown 74206,2437
To: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663 (X)
Dave, when you mentioned that Racore was only selling their hard disks with
factory-installed DMA, does this represent a change in policy for them? The
hard disk I bought did not have DMA.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2430 S1/Software
28-Jan-86 19:58:55
Sb: #2358-command.com problem
Fm: John Huffman 75366,1525
To: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401 (X)
John -
Please --- upload the fix.
#: 2431 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 19:59:25
Sb: #2379-#RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Scott Thomas 74666,1021 (X)
Scott: you are right on your interpretation of SCSI. Small Systems Systems
interface. Apple is using it on the MacPlus. It is a new standard which, as I
understand it, allows you to define multiple logical disk drives, thus
circumventing some size limitations that exist with standard hard disk
definitions. I don't know any further details.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2433 S7/SysOp's Desk
28-Jan-86 20:15:47
Fm: GARY YUND 73147,542
#: 2434 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 20:16:17
Sb: #2427-#MODEMS
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: David Brown 74206,2437 (X)
Dave: I've exchanged notes with a guy who evaluates modems, and he bought a
'Smart Duck' from DAK and LOVES it. If I ever get around to upgrading to 1200
bps, I'll probable get one myself.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2437 S2/Hardware
28-Jan-86 20:21:37
Sb: #2431-#RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Dumb me...meant to edit that first line & forgot...Small Computer Systems
Interface sis right, as I recall. BTW....got my KB5151jr from PCCOnnection
today......I agree, the springs are a bit on the firm side... they may take a
bit of getting used to. I'm going to have to change m system layout
now....system unit is on right side of desk, monitor on `left side...not so
good, with the cable coming out of left end of keyboard.
*** There are replies:
2482, 2525
#: 2438 S4/Telecommunications
28-Jan-86 20:23:14
Sb: #2420-#1200 woes
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill - If you're using an external modem and don't have the internal installed
you should be using COM1:. Ditto on parameters; should be 7 data bits and
you'll be good shape. Everthing will shift to 8 data bits when the time comes.
Makes these changes and see if it doesn't dial for you. Don
*** There is a reply:
#: 2439 S7/SysOp's Desk
28-Jan-86 20:26:08
Sb: #2428-#dO
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: David Lame 76314,2032 (X)
David - I'm not Cindy, but I'll try and help if you like. What communications
program are you using? More than likely it's a problem with your software. Have
you checked out JRCOMM.TXT yet? Don
*** There is a reply:
#: 2441 S7/SysOp's Desk
28-Jan-86 21:41:40
Sb: #2439-#dO
Fm: David Lame 76314,2032
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Don, I am using xtalk, and attempting to download with xmodem protocal. I have
pulled the file JRCOMM.TXT and captured to disk the file MAKCJ3.BAS, but was
unable to get the program to run. I like the xtalk and would like to get it to
work if at all possible. I have contacted Microstuff and accomplished xmodem
transfers through their host. My next step was to try the .host.bin file and
see if I could get to work. Any help appreciated DAVID.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2444 S7/SysOp's Desk
29-Jan-86 07:09:52
Sb: #2441-dO
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: David Lame 76314,2032 (X)
David - Did the transfer seem to go okay? Did MAKCJ3.BAS show up on a DIR? If
so, did it give any kind of error message when you tried to run it from BASIC?
MAKCJ3.BAS doesn't "do" much itself, it just creates another file file called
#: 2445 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 09:24:10
Sb: #2438-#1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
I do have my internal modem still installed. No reason to take out I have
figured. So I need to use COM2, but can't figure out how to get Vidtex to
default to it.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2447 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 12:57:33
Sb: #External/XMODEM
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: All
What is the best program for doing XMODEM downloads with an external modem? I
used to use PC-TALK with my internal modem, but I cannot use it now due to the
bugs in the Basic compiler for COM2. It is also compiled and has the command
set for the internal modem. I have a non-DMA machine.
Can I use QMODEM, or do I need DMA for that?
*** There is a reply:
#: 2448 S2/Hardware
29-Jan-86 15:01:15
Sb: Legacy Hardware
Fm: Michael Marron 73475,1537
To: all
Any one have experience with Legacy hardware? I am looking at the second drive
options with additional memory (256k) to be added. Also curious about their
external modem. Any comments would be appreciated, Tha
#: 2450 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 15:57:03
Sb: #2447-#External/XMODEM
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Why do I always find answers to my questions after I post them here. Aaargh.
Anyways, I found out something interesting today. In my search for a 1200 baud
XMODEM program, I tried re-compiling PC-TALK with the new QuickBasic compiler I
bought a few weeks ago. I had to change one variable which had the name EXIT,
as this is a new reserved word in QuickBasic. But the program compiled fine,
and I linked it with the communications module that came with the compiler. (I
also took out every darned BEEP statement since I hate computer beeps) And
sure enough, the old BASCOM bugs are fixed and this new PC-Talk/Jr works fine
for 1200 baud COM2 external modems.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2451 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 17:40:46
Sb: #2445-#1200 woes
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill - Oh ho! That does make a difference. I don't know of any way to switch
comm ports either, but there's one trick that might work. Go in thru the menus
to terminal definition to COM2: and then run a script. The script will be saved
to disk under a unique name (can't recall the exact name, but you'll be able to
tell it by the date). Next time thru you can then execute VIDTEX WHATEVER where
whatever is the temporary filename. Otherwise you've tapped me out.
Might want to remove the modem for heat and power reasons plus it'd solve this
problem <grin>. Don
*** There is a reply:
#: 2453 S2/Hardware
29-Jan-86 18:37:47
Sb: For Sale
Fm: Rita McConville 70057,1155
To: All
PCJr Internal Modem $100 IBM Compact Printer (thermal dot matrix) $75
Iinterested, leave email.
#: 2454 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 19:09:50
Sb: #2451-#1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Hmmm....maybe I will take my internal modem out then. Thanks for the tips.
I d/l'ed ATO last night. It was my first d/l ever at 1200 baud, and I
drooled at how fast it went, used to those old 300 baud d/l's. I got nearly
100K d/l'ed in 20 minutes. I easily got ATO up and running, and the program is
great. I never realized how much power you guys built into it. I am also
bummed that I have been wasting so much in on-line charges. Had I known the
power of ATO earlier, I would have put a new modem much higher on my priority
list. Thanks!
*** There are replies:
2462, 2523
#: 2455 S1/Software
29-Jan-86 19:42:30
Sb: #DAC Easy Write
Fm: Andrew Chamra 71046,437
To: all
I would like any information about DAC Easy Write Word Processing If you have
the program or know something about in please let me know.
*** There are replies:
2457, 2464, 2527
#: 2457 S1/Software
29-Jan-86 20:14:54
Sb: #2455-DAC Easy Write
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Andrew Chamra 71046,437
Dac Easy Write did not get a very good review from PC magazine recently. They
said it definitely was not in a class with Dac Easy Accounting, which has drawn
considerable praise. <<CHarlie>>
#: 2458 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 20:21:35
Sb: #BBS Software
Fm: Bob Valleau 71777,3337
To: Sysop (X)
I am looking for BBS software to run on the PC Jr. I currently have a 256K
system with 1 disk drive, and IBM internal 300 baud modem. Is there any P/D
software available for a working Jr. BBS? If not, where can I buy the software.
I have called all the software houses and there seems to be nothing around. Any
help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Bob Valleau
*** There are replies:
2459, 2461, 2531
#: 2459 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 20:39:49
Sb: #2458-#BBS Software
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Bob Valleau 71777,3337 (X)
Look in the back of PC Magazine for ads for PCSIG....they sell diskettes of
public domain software....$6.95, as I recall. They have the RBBS software
available. By the way. a 256K jr with one diskette & an internal modem will
make for a rather anemic BBS....
*** There is a reply:
#: 2460 S2/Hardware
29-Jan-86 20:51:19
Sb: #2434-#MODEMS
Fm: David Brown 74206,2437
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Charlie, I've just about convinced myself that 1200 bps is the way to go if one
is going to spend any time at all on CIS. My bills are beginning to embarass
me, and I'm not on all that much. I know that the difference in transmission
is not exactly a four-fold increase over 300 bps, but it surely would make
downloading some of the large files much less painful. Thanks for your
comments. Hope I can return the favor. **David**
*** There are replies:
2499, 2524
#: 2461 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 20:53:10
Sb: #2458-#BBS Software
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: Bob Valleau 71777,3337 (X)
Fido-NET works on a PCjr. and is in the public domain. If you would like more
information call the National PCjr Users' Group BBS at (918) 496-2055
(300,1200,2400 baud). David Wollman has it for down loading in the file
section. I believe there is a Fido designed especially for the PCjr and the
Internal Modem. If you look around in here, David's CIS number is on messages
and in the users' list.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2462 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 20:54:09
Sb: #2454-1200 woes
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill - Hehe, you didn't think we'd put out a crummy program didja?! Hey, that'd
make a great book.. "The Power of ATO" <grin>. Seriously, glad you like it, and
I just wish I'd finish up the "real" jr version.
#: 2464 S1/Software
29-Jan-86 21:00:09
Sb: #2455-DAC Easy Write
Fm: David Brown 74206,2437
To: Andrew Chamra 71046,437
Andrew, I have seen two reviews of Easy Write, and they were not too favorable.
Apparently DAC chose to handle their word processor in a significantly
different fashion than most other packages out there, and the result is not all
that easy to use, despite the price. I think I would avoid this particular DAC
program, although their accounting package is very good for the money. ** David
#: 2468 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 21:14:03
Sb: #2450-External/XMODEM
Fm: Finian Lennon 70147,1444
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Glad you were able to get the problem solved. In answer to your
original question though, QMODEM will do fine XMODEM downloads on
the Jr with an external modem. I'm not crazy about the "feel" of
QMODEM, but it works fine. Fin.
#: 2470 S4/Telecommunications
29-Jan-86 21:19:03
Fm: John Huffman 75366,1525
To: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447 (X)
Jean -
I use my Volksmodem 1200 day in and day out for the past 8 months. I've
had no problems. I use GT31, PC-26, or Intellicom(commercial) and all work
fine. TurboModem works well too.
#: 2471 S1/Software
29-Jan-86 22:09:05
Sb: #2429-Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: David Brown 74206,2437
Racore's original intent was to make the DMA a standard, not an option,
if I understand correctly. There were several production delays which held
things up as far as sales go. The DMA option is designed to be a *low-cost*
add-on and they want to keep it that way. It doesn't add much to the price of
a unit, only about $68 if memory serves me correctly.
#: 2473 S2/Hardware
29-Jan-86 22:09:26
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: michael w. baumann 72217,2207
There is hope for you! I just installed the *new* DMA upgrade in my
*old* Racore unit with the help of a Racore engineer on the phone. It is not
yet available as a kit, my installation was only the second one done in the
field. I'll have more info as it comes in.
#: 2474 S7/SysOp's Desk
29-Jan-86 23:11:34
Sb: xtalk
Fm: David Lame 76314,2032
To: sysop (X)
Don ~~I finally got my xtalk to work Like most malfunctions the problem was 50
5percent operator headspace and 50 percent poor documentation. The correction
for use of xmodem was to change a parameter labled pmode, from 1 to 2. I don't
understand why it works, but I'm downloading successfully. Thanks for your
help. I'm sure I'll need it again--David
#: 2475 S0/General Information
30-Jan-86 00:45:34
Sb: #supe~r calc 3
Fm: Larry Haggard 72167,1420
To: all
does anyone to how to make super calc 3 work in a jr. /1 disk? it will work
back to 1 disk but I can't make it save to 2ed disk.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2481 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 15:57:58
Fm: CHRIS HILLMAN 70007,1131
#: 2482 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 18:31:23
Sb: #2437-#RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Chris Campbell 76044,633
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
The springs in the KB 5151 keyboard are easily replaced. You simply pry the key
caps off and replace the springs. Note that the double size keys have only one
spring each even though there is space for two keys. The hardest part is
finding springs of a weight that you like. You will probably do best at an
electronic parts store.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2483 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 18:40:32
Sb: #NEC V-20
Fm: Chris Campbell 76044,633
To: All
Has anyone tried using the NEC V-20 chip on the PCjr? It is supposed to be
able to increase processing speed by replacing the 8088 without having to
increase clock speed. The actual speed increase has varied greatly according
to reports I've rread of its use on the PC and compatibles.
Are there any known compatibility problems?
How well does it work?
*** There are replies:
2500, 2518
#: 2484 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 18:45:25
Sb: #Memory cards
Fm: Chris Campbell 76044,633
To: All
Does anyone know what, if any, memory sidecars are compatible with the
Racore Drive 2? I have been told that the Tecmar jrCaptain will not work and
that the jrCadet is no longer available.
Racore's literature indicates that the Drive 2 will work with IBM's
memory board but this seems like an expensive alternative.
Chris Campbell
*** There are replies:
2553, 2561
#: 2486 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 19:21:41
Sb: Disk Drive
Fm: ROD DRUMM 72407,377
To: Dennis Grow 74065,1032 (X)
THANKS Dennis! I should receive the drive in about three weeks.
#: 2487 S7/SysOp's Desk
30-Jan-86 19:24:04
Sb: #Comm programs
Fm: Mike West 76317,157
To: Sysop Don Watkins (X)
Hello again. Received your disk yesterday. When I tried CISJRX, the message
"Unable to use Function Key Definition File:CIS-JR.KEY" Was this file supposed
to be included on the disk? This program only allowed me to exit. I don't think
I have enought memory for GT31. Everytime I started it, a message "Out of
Memory!" came back. When I started PCT3JR, I received Data Error, then a reply
of abort,retry, or ignore. If I ignored it, the system reset itself. It doesn't
look like I'm having much luck in getting a comm program to use while
downloading on CIS. Got any suggestions? Mike
*** There is a reply:
#: 2488 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 19:27:10
Fm: ROD DRUMM 72407,377
To: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447 (X)
I have the Volks 300/1200 I use it with Hometerm from Batteries Included. It
seems to autodial fine but will not perform the complete logon. Maybe we might
trade ideas on things to try.
#: 2489 S0/General Information
30-Jan-86 19:52:54
Sb: #sidecars
Fm: BOB BURT 74025,236
To: C Campbell
The jr Captain works just fine with Racore 2nd Drive - IF YOU DON"T HAVE THE
DMA BOARD. I'm not sure it's any big deal anyway as I really see little
advantage to being able to type ahead anyway. (slo typer) In any case to get
the best out of the system you'll probably want both the Capt and the Cadet to
get max memory. Unless you're very clever with solder the chips can't be
changed from 64 to 256K ones. I really was more pleased with the Captain than
the Racore add on 384K board as the provided software was fun.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2490 S0/General Information
30-Jan-86 19:56:48
Sb: #Copy Disk II
Fm: BOB BURT 74025,236
To: all
I've had an interesting couple of days trying to use Copy II PC (jr version)
with DOS 3.1, Racore 2nd disk and 384 K memory and DMA. It don't work at least
for me. When you get ready to copy anything it will start to read then give
you the message "disk not ready" - Central Point no help. I reloaded DOS 2.1
with the Racore DMA software and all is fine. Hope this saves someone similar
*** There are replies:
2504, 2537
#: 2491 S1/Software
30-Jan-86 20:07:21
Fm: DANNY GOVE 72167,1636
Can anyone tell me a way I can set aside 32k bytes for video memory besides
using the CLEAR,,,,32768 command. The command comes from a graphics program I
have donloaded but the last paremeter in the CLEAR command (32768) only works
in cartridge basic. I want to compile the program but I need a way to set aside
video memoryand the CLEAR command does not work in the compiler. The claer
command is needed to use screen 5
*** There is a reply:
#: 2494 S7/SysOp's Desk
30-Jan-86 20:17:12
Sb: #2487-#Comm programs
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Mike West 76317,157 (X)
Mike - The "Unable to use Function..." message isn't fatal, it just means it
didn't find the KEY file to load a definition to the function keys. I usually
don't include the file since I don't know what your node number, ppn, etc.
might be, but the program runs fine without the definition. Read the CISJR.DOC
file for instructions.
You're in direct communication with the modem as soon as you pass the entry
points and get into the program, so just type in your dialing command and
number and it will dial and you should be connected. Note that you won't have
any local echo until you're connected so you'll have to type the modem dial
command and number "blind" (that's one of the reasons you can define strings to
function keys). See CISJR.DOC for more info on dialing and getting connected.
Humm, I didn't realize there was a memory limitation on GT31. How much memory
do you have?
And could the error be "Error reading drive A: Abort, retry, Ignore"? Sounds
like my disk drive and your disk drives don't read and write the same way,
sorry, just a mechnical glitch.
Give CISJRX another shot and I think it'll work out for you. Don
*** There is a reply:
#: 2495 S1/Software
30-Jan-86 20:19:38
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: DANNY GOVE 72167,1636
Danny - Alas, the only fix I know of would be to use BASCOM 2.0, which *should*
support the CLEAR command. Are you using 2.0? Don
#: 2498 S0/General Information
30-Jan-86 20:37:08
Sb: #2475-supe~r calc 3
Fm: nathaniel 76010,2062
To: Larry Haggard 72167,1420
you can use a 2nd disk drive for super calc 3 as the data disk if in the /L
menu, you indicate that drive b: is where to look for files(to load or save).
#: 2499 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 20:39:18
Sb: #2460-MODEMS
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: David Brown 74206,2437
I think I am about to make the plunge myself....I enjoy getting on the SIG, and
the charges are eating me alive!
. Charlie
#: 2500 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 20:41:05
Sb: #2483-NEC V-20
Fm: nathaniel 76010,2062
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633 (X)
i am using the new v-20 chip in the pc jr. it seems to work very well so
far(about one months use). it does speed mathematical operations up a bit. the
major problem with installing the chip is that the 8088 chip in the pc jr is
under the disk drive--so you will have to remove the drive to replace the chip!
#: 2502 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 20:46:34
Sb: #2482-RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633 (X)
I understand that Keytronics offers a set of lighter weight springs. If memory
serves me right, Bill Hersh got a set.
#: 2503 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 20:56:01
Sb: #telecom
Fm: keith sievers 76327,3061
To: sysop (X)
I now have the modifications for pc-talk from data library 4. They are
pct3jr.mrg and intern.mrg. I'm not quite sure what to do with them, however.
My pc-talk prgram is an .exe file and I don't know how to get the mods into the
Also, once the mods are in place, which file transfer protocol will pc-talk
support? A,B or X-modem?
Again, thanks for your help.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2504 S0/General Information
30-Jan-86 20:56:06
Sb: #2490-#Copy Disk II
Fm: Chris Campbell 76044,633
To: BOB BURT 74025,236 (X)
I have seen the "disk not ready" error with CopyIIPC if some memory
resident software is being used. This will happen with some hard disks and
Backup as well. I only saw this on some older versions of CopyIIPC and that
was on an IBM PC with a Davong hard disk and DOS 3.10. The combination that
seemed to cause the most trouble was when both Sidekick and Nokey were
resident. Central Point's documentation says that there should be no memory
resident software present when running CopyIIPC.
I do not use DOS 3.0 or 3.10 on the jr because of a number of other
flakey problems I've had, such as sudden, unexplainable system crashes and
mouse problems.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2505 S0/General Information
30-Jan-86 21:02:12
Sb: #2489-#sidecars
Fm: Chris Campbell 76044,633
To: BOB BURT 74025,236 (X)
How do you know if you have the DMA board on the Racore drive 2?
*** There is a reply:
#: 2507 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 21:07:48
Sb: #2503-telecom
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: keith sievers 76327,3061 (X)
Keith - Alas, you'll need the BASIC source code in order to apply the merge
files; they just won't work without. If you could apply the merges you'd still
only have xmodem, and it still wouldn't work here on CIS.
If you like you can send me a diskette and mailer and I'll send you back some
programs that should work like a champ on the PCjr. Just use the <R>ead command
on the file JRCOMM.TXT in DL7 for details.
#: 2512 S1/Software
30-Jan-86 22:04:02
Fm: KEVIN PATTERSON 72177,2260
To: 70277,131 (X)
*** There is a reply:
#: 2513 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 22:05:59
Sb: #2338-#8088-2
Fm: Karl Konnerth 76044,354
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
I talked to them here in Fremont, and they said Microspeed for the jr would be
out Real Soon Now (already available for the PC). However it requires
replacing the clock chip - relatively easy on the PC as 90% of them are
socketed. Unfortunately, I checked 2 jrs and a photo in Norton's book, and
they are soldered to the motherboard in jr. They were going to send me
additional info when available.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2514 S1/Software
30-Jan-86 22:15:45
Sb: #2406-command.com problem
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: Mark Weisz 72057,1566 (X)
Never lived in Mass. As far as COMSPEC and COMZAP are concerned, are you sure
you are using them correctly? First you must have a copy of COMMAND.COM on the
path you are about to set COMPSPEC equal to. Then you must use the SET
COMSPEC=path command (for example, say SET COMSPEC= C:\UTIL if you want
C:\UTIL\COMMAND.COM to be used. Then you must im immediately use COMZAP. By the
way, I intend to upload a file describing all the different ways that exist to
keep that stupid "Insert COMMAND.COM disk" message away. Also, I've uploaded a
fix for the Impulse problem on dl1.
#: 2516 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 22:18:52
Sb: Problem Solved
Fm: Charles Dite 70525,1264
To: all
I read a couple of messages a while back about somebody have a problem
with there SPC hard disk drive,well I have been having a problem myself up
until now.
First, it just wouldn't work with my IBM memory side car but it did
work with my MICROSOFT sidecar. Second, even though the drive worked after
about an hour I started to get error messages on the disk drive and if I kept
going, it would get worse.
Well I never solved the problem with the IBM side car so I boosted my
Microsoft sidecar to 512K. On the other hand, I did solve the other problem.
The inside of my JR must get a little warm and does something to one of the
chips inside that my affect the timing of the port you use with the drive. So I
put a box fan on the left hand side where the power supply is in the JR. I had
my system up for about 5 hours today and no error messages.
By the way if you have your JR in a semi-enclosed place it wouldn't do
any harm to add on a fan just so it runs cooler. Especially if you are running
a second disk drive add on.
#: 2517 S3/Tips & Techniques
30-Jan-86 22:21:45
Sb: Impulse problem
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: all
For those Impulse owners interested, I've uploaded an ARChive file containing a
fix for the Impulse COMMAND.COM problem that has been discussed (because of
me). It also contains documentation. I don't know where the Sysop will put it,
so browse for IMPULSE.
#: 2518 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 22:34:21
Sb: #2483-NEC V-20
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633
I've been using it with no problem for about three weeks. As for how it works,
I would recommend an article in a recent issue of PC magazine (I forget when it
came out, but the cover article was on pen plotters). It has to do with machine
language operations being excuted in fewer clock cycles than on an 8088. Also,
another advantage of the NEC V20 is that it consumes less power than an 8088,
so your machine runs cooler. Only programs that rely on certain timing for
machine language operations (like copy protection schemes) will fail on a V20.
#: 2519 S1/Software
30-Jan-86 22:38:18
Sb: #2396-#Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663 (X)
Thanks for your prompt replies Dave. BTW, this is the first I've heard about a
new, rethunk DMA. Do you know anything else about it?
*** There are replies:
2543, 2545
#: 2521 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 22:38:40
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447 (X)
Jean, I traded in my Volksmodem for a SmarTeam 103/212A 1200 baud external to
run ATO, but I never seemed to have the problems with the VM you have.
#: 2522 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 22:38:52
Sb: #2408-MICE
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: DENIS DAY 75236,3325
Denis, any serial mouse should work. I use the Mouse Systems serial mouse with
my drive II and DMA, all co-exist just fine.
#: 2523 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 22:39:10
Sb: #2454-#1200 woes
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X)
Bill, welcome to the joys of ATO! I made it a priority back in the INF jr
subsection days when version 4.xx first came out and suddenly EVERY message in
INF was about it, all positively *drooling* over its power AND ease of use (not
to mention economy). This is what telecommunication software should all be
*** There is a reply:
#: 2524 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 22:39:24
Sb: #2460-MODEMS
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: David Brown 74206,2437
David, if you have the memory (256K I believe), and a Hayes compatible, ATO
will save you a BUNDLE on CIS if you do the message boards much, especially at
1200 bps.
#: 2525 S2/Hardware
30-Jan-86 22:39:43
Sb: #2437-#RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Charlie...springs are a bit on the "firm" side???? Hmmmm... Keytronics must
have changed their philosophy. The springs used to be REAL light, so much so
that quite a few of us popped an extra $10 for a replacement set of heavier
springs. They must have responded to consumer comments and changed the standard
weight of the springs.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2527 S1/Software
30-Jan-86 22:40:02
Sb: #2455-DAC Easy Write
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Andrew Chamra 71046,437
Andrew, can only echo the other answers you've gotten, having read the same
reviews. But will add, that if you're looking for a solid, cheap word
processor, why not give a look at Textra, $29 from Ann Arbor Software and a
solid performer, if not super powerful, or PCWrite, version 2.55, from
Quicksoft, available as shareware for the cost of a download from the IBM
Novice Forum DL or most BBS's and/or User Groups.
#: 2528 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 22:50:18
Sb: #2459-BBS Software
Fm: Bob Valleau 71777,3337
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 (X)
Thanks Charlie, I'll Check it out. Yes I know that those qualifications will
make an "anemic" BBS but I want to see what I'll need to get it right so I've
got to start somewhere. I've seen some excellant BBS's on smaller systems so I
don't feel to bad. --Bob Valleau--
#: 2529 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 22:55:32
Sb: #2461-#BBS Software
Fm: Bob Valleau 71777,3337
To: Scott Thomas 74666,1021 (X)
Thanks Scott. I know there is a Fido-Net for the Jr. There was one running in
the Chgo area for awhile but it shut down before I thought about running one
myself. I believe that the requirements were 256K and 2 disk drives. I'll check
it out. Thanks again. --Bob Valleau--
*** There are replies:
2540, 2546
#: 2530 S3/Tips & Techniques
30-Jan-86 23:08:31
Fm: SHAWN SMITH 73157,2122
- S.S.
#: 2531 S4/Telecommunications
30-Jan-86 23:20:02
Sb: #2458-#BBS Software
Fm: Peter Ahearn 75156,2047
To: Bob Valleau 71777,3337 (X)
My son runs a Fido board with your config. He keeps about 50 mgs. and 20 files
for down load. The number is 617 887 9829. If you want to call it and give it a
try. I know he would be glad to send you a copy of it if you sent him 2 disks
and the address.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2537 S0/General Information
31-Jan-86 13:10:10
Sb: #2490-Copy Disk II
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: BOB BURT 74025,236 (X)
I dunno if this helps, but I have no trouble using COPYIIJR on my non-DMA Jr
with DOS 3.10.
#: 2538 S0/General Information
31-Jan-86 13:10:23
Sb: #2504-Copy Disk II
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633
I have not had any trouble using COPYIIJR with Sidekick or Superkey. I was
having some trouble with DOS 3.10 hanging, but that appears to be attributable
to conflicts with Superkey. Of course even if DOS 3.xx has some occasional
hanging-up problems, its one advantage is immense in that the SET COMSPEC
command works, allowing me to redirect the machine to looking for COMMAND.COM
on my hard disk.
#: 2539 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 13:10:30
Sb: #2523-1200 woes
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
I definetely agree. It is a well-thought out and executed program. I hope to
see my CIS bills plummet.
#: 2540 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 13:10:42
Sb: #2529-#BBS Software
Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326
To: Bob Valleau 71777,3337 (X)
Are you talking about Eric White's Chi-Area PCJr Users Group FIDO board? Eric
had to stop running it, but it may go up soon again. Are yu a member of CAJUG?
Personally, I dislike the FIDO systems. I think the board look s very sloppy.
The thing also runs distressingly slow when the BBS is on a floppy-based
*** There is a reply:
#: 2542 S2/Hardware
31-Jan-86 19:45:47
Sb: #2525-#RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
Hmmmm.....the springs seem fairly light at initial touch, but by the time the
keys get near the bottom they seem quite firm. I may get used to it. I must
confess I haven't really done much data entry since I got the keyboard this
Monday. My jrCadet is now fully populated....640K! Whoopeee.....full size
ramdisk and still enough memory to run most s/w! Waiting patiently now for case
and adapter kit for going with second diskette drive. Opted for the kit from
Home Computing magazine, case from IB computers in ORE., and CDC half-high
drive. BTW, I've experimented with the jrSynchro with the 47 byte keyboard
buffer, and *CAN'T* overrun it! No more beeps! Charlie
*** There is a reply:
#: 2543 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 19:59:23
Sb: #2519-Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
No, but I plan on getting with my freind at Racore and asking for some
lit. if possible. I hope to be able to help them with their (Racore's) Fido
BBS, so maybe I can learn more there. He did tell me that the new DMA solves
some of the problems DMA had before .. not sure which one though.
#: 2544 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 19:59:49
Sb: #Internal Modem
Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
I learned something today....had passed along the word about sending the
Transparent command in order to be able to upload, and got a note from a guy
that there is an EASY way to do it in your modem program! ^N (ctrl-N) is a hex
0E, and as you know, is the default command character for the \infernal
internal. Any time you see a $0E or a $8E in the data to be transmitted,
simply send it twice! (See page 3-42 of the PCjr TechRef) Easy, huh?
<Charlie> (drunk with the power of 640K & KB5151-jr)
*** There is a reply:
#: 2545 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 20:01:59
Sb: #2519-Hard Disks and DMA
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X)
No, but I plan on getting with my freind at Racore and asking for some
lit. if possible. I hope to be able to help them with their (Racore's) Fido
BBS, so maybe I can learn more there. He did tell me that the new DMA solves
some of the problems DMA had before .. not sure which one though.
#: 2546 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 20:02:21
Sb: #2529-BBS Software
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Bob Valleau 71777,3337 (X)
One note in defense of Fido ... any BBS will run slow on a floppy based
system, even RBBS. It's just a fact of life, floppy disks are slower than hard
disks. One thing a lot of Fido SYSOPs do wrong is to set their BUFFERS to
small, or not at all ... this will give you a S L O W BBS for sure ... I have
mine set at 20 now and I'm working my way up to the max of 50, checking
operation as I increase the size. Fido will run painfully slow without the
correct buffer size ... Fido looks sloppy to some (to me sometimes too) but it
is a great package. The Fido feature I like best is it's networking. At 3:00
CST, *ALL* Fido systems go into net mode and send messages to the nodes they
are addressed to. This makes it very easy for PCjr users to communicate ...
SYSOP & EXTRA level users can even send files with messages. There are over
500 active FidoNet BBSs now, and all may be communicated with through a single
#: 2547 S7/SysOp's Desk
31-Jan-86 20:17:24
Sb: #PCjr Fire Sale
Fm: Alex Nicol 75156,161
To: Karl Konnerth 76044,354 (X)
Hi Karl,
Noticed you use a Wang pc. AT work I do too.Only a mile away is a Wang service
dept.At work have added the latest Wang IBM emulation board, and now have full
use of most of store bought IBM programs. Darn shame not too many Wang users.Oh
yes.also have access to ibm xt at work.Dos2.1 (jr dos works just fine on the
modified Wang.WE choose a wang because it has a better cpu than an ibm xt.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2548 S7/SysOp's Desk
31-Jan-86 20:37:39
Sb: #2547-PCjr Fire Sale
Fm: Karl Konnerth 76044,354
To: Alex Nicol 75156,161 (X)
Yeah, there are some things I like about the Wang PC. But it's a REAL PAIN
having to boot again to get into compatible mode. Plus their graphics options
(as well as the PC) are too high priced. We mostly use them as OIS terminals.
I use the AT at work myself, although rumors from our Wang contacts are that
they are coming out with a true compatible (80386?) soon.
#: 2550 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 20:48:08
Sb: #2544-Internal Modem
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
Charlie - Okay, wise guy, I'm gonna have to try it out myself to belive it
<grin>. Seriously, if it'll work on my old version internal modem I'll vote for
ya. Thanks! Don
#: 2553 S2/Hardware
31-Jan-86 21:29:41
Sb: #2484-Memory cards
Fm: John Huffman 75366,1525
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633
Chris -
I've used an IMPULSE 100 (512K) without problems.
#: 2554 S2/Hardware
31-Jan-86 21:31:00
Sb: spc hard disk drives
Fm: nathaniel 76010,2062
To: scott thomas 74666,1021 (X)
a while back you answered part of my questions about the removeable hard disk
drives being sold by SPC. you were going to find out if the cartridges were one
of a kind types(meaning that if one becomes defective there may be no
replacements available). have you found any more info on this? are you still
taking orders? as soon as i get an answer from you, I'll probably order a unit.
thank you. nathaniel riesenberg
#: 2555 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 21:34:32
Sb: ##2469-BASIC
Fm: Mel Perkins 70536,1454
To: John Huffman 75366,1525
John -- I renamed BASIC and BASICA to BASER.COM and BASERA.COM as recommended.
No batch files. I'm using a Tecmar Jr Capt and one drive. Am I still correct
in assuming DOS BASIC should run on the Jr without the cartridge in? After I
rename files and enter A>BASER I get a `cartridge required' message in the
upper left corner and the system locks up. Thanks for your help ... Mel
*** There is a reply:
#: 2557 S0/General Information
31-Jan-86 21:47:18
Sb: sidecars
Fm: BOB BURT 74025,236
To: chris Campbell 76044,633
I guess the best way to tell if you have DMA is to look at you're bill and see
if you paid $150 for it - Seriously when you're in PC mode you can "type ahead"
without all those awful sounds from the speaker telling you something is wrong.
#: 2558 S0/General Information
31-Jan-86 21:51:25
Sb: DOS 3.10
Fm: BOB BURT 74025,236
To: Bill Hersh
I guess the common problem is 3.10 and the Jr. It works just "fine" with 2.10
and the DMA board installed. By the way, how do you find the time to be on the
system at 1400 hours. As I recall you were an Intern last year at Rush - so
you should be doing something else such as further postgraduate work now. I
was at the hospital all day today and am jealous.........
#: 2559 S0/General Information
31-Jan-86 22:14:15
Fm: DAVID SNYDER 76327,1455
#: 2560 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 22:15:54
Sb: #2513-8088-2
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Karl Konnerth 76044,354
Thanks for the reply. An 8mhz clock on a jr is certainly intriguing, isn't it?
#: 2561 S2/Hardware
31-Jan-86 22:16:30
Sb: #2484-Memory cards
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633
Chris, IBM and Quadram memory sidecars work with the drive II unit. Not sure
about any others. However, Racore DMA option wipes out ANY possibility of a
memory sidecar. To deal with this Racore is now marketing a memory board for
inside the drive II unit that accepts up to 512K allowing full 640K DOS limit
on system. Old board only took 384K, so the highest total you could go is 512K.
Which is what I'm at, and I never felt a crunch for the extra 128K. However, in
just the last few days, with my new copy of Turbo Lightning memory resident
along with SideKick AND Superkey, I'm beginning to see a real need for that
extra 128....
#: 2562 S0/General Information
31-Jan-86 22:16:46
Sb: #2505-sidecars
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Chris Campbell 76044,633
If you don't know, you don't have it. Until now, it was an extra cost ($150
range) add-on.
#: 2563 S2/Hardware
31-Jan-86 22:16:59
Sb: #2542-RIM Hard Drive Info
Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310
To: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164
And some people still criticize this machine for being "unexpandable!"
#: 2565 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 22:28:02
Sb: Modem
Fm: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447
To: John Huffman 75366,1525
Thanks for the reply. I have tried to use the comm program GT12 with my
volksmodem but it gives me an I/O error 99, PC=B99B program abort so I have
found it unusable at the moment.I would be interested in getting a copy of
GT31 if you could give me some more information on it. Is GT31 a public domain
program? Does it support data capture? How about the autodial does it work ok
with your junior? What kind of hardware are you running? I am
currently using a junior with 256k(tecmar captain) and the volksmodem.
How about the other program you mentioned PC-26 does it support the above
features? I think I can get this running if I can just get the right software
to work with. I'll be in touch and thanks again! Jean
#: 2568 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 22:52:21
Sb: #xtalk
Fm: Dave Dewald 76327,3616
To: al
I have Crosstalk XVI version 3.4 and the jr internal modem and cannot make the
combination work even after entering the jr dialing prefix. Any help with this
problem will be appreciated as I am using the jr Sampler comm program which wil
not allow me to download or upload data. Thanks, Dave Dewald
*** There is a reply:
#: 2569 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 23:13:09
Fm: Wayne Robinson 70277,131
To: KEVIN PATTERSON 72177,2260
Kevin, Always willing to talk programming. What info would you like about
SHPLST.LBR? I'll try to make conference on Sunday, but I'll be late about 11:30
EST if you can make it. If not leave me a message.
- Wayne -
#: 2570 S2/Hardware
31-Jan-86 23:21:31
Sb: #RIM drives
Fm: John 71435,561
To: Scott Thomas, 74666,1021 (X)
I'm interested in some more info on RIM hard drives. Where can I write or
call for more info?
*** There is a reply:
#: 2571 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 23:24:39
Sb: #2555-#2469-BASIC
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: Mel Perkins 70536,1454
On the tips and techniques dl look for BASICJ.TXT, it should be quite a help.
#: 2572 S1/Software
31-Jan-86 23:32:20
Sb: #2406-command.com problem
Fm: John Bongiovanni 70137,2401
To: Mark Weisz 72057,1566 (X)
Sorry, I just noticed a mistake in my explanation of COMSPEC/COMZAP. The
comspec command should be SET COMSPEC=C:\UTIL\COMMAND.COM if you want to use
that file for COMMAND.COM. Then run COMZAP.
#: 2573 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 23:33:47
Sb: #Modem
Fm: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447
To: David Wollmann 72426,1663 (X)
Before I call USA about the modem I would like to make sure I've exhausted
all possible alternatives to get it to work. I am not totally convinced that it
isn't just the software I have been using. Although I have a variety of comm
programs none seem to be working totally with the modem. An example is: GT12
comm program gives me a I/O error 99, PC=B99B program abort when I try to use
it. I'm sure I'll just have to keep trying till I find something that works.
Other replys to my message revealed a variety of other comm programs being
used with the volksmodem so I will try to get a hold of one of them but I
really appreciate your concern and continued support and I'll let you know if I
ultimatly have to make that phone call. Thanks a million, Jean
*** There is a reply:
#: 2575 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 23:37:54
Sb: #2531-BBS Software
Fm: Bob Valleau 71777,3337
To: Peter Ahearn 75156,2047
Thanks Pete, I'll give it a call & possibly take you up on the offer.
--Bob Valleau--
#: 2577 S4/Telecommunications
31-Jan-86 23:42:00
Sb: #2540-BBS Software
Fm: Bob Valleau 71777,3337
To: Bill Hersh 71516,326
Yes Bill I am talking about Eric's system. I am a member of CAPJUG but I have
gone to only one meeting as I am in the City & it's to far for me to travel
after coming from downtown after work and then trying to get to the boonies for
the meetings. I don't know what over BBS's would work on the JR.
--Bob Valleau--
#: 2579 S2/Hardware
01-Feb-86 00:06:38
Sb: #2570-RIM drives
Fm: Scott Thomas 74666,1021
To: John 71435,561
You can call RIM Electonics at (408) 778-1286 or write to:
RIM Electronics
300 Blossom Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
They are very nice people and will return your call if the technical
people are tied up at the time of your call.
#: 2582 S7/SysOp's Desk
01-Feb-86 02:10:13
Sb: #2494-#Comm programs
Fm: Mike West 76317,157
To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X)
Don - Tried the CISJRX program again. As you can see, it does work just fine.
Guess I was sort of in a hurry when I first started it. Thanks for the all the
help. I know sometimes that computers and communications can be frustrating.
Thanks for staying with me.
I have the original 128K on my PCjr. I haven't added anymore as of yet.
Hopefully, when the Money God smiles on me, I will be able to afford it. Until
then...... I'm sure that there probably was a 'glitch' between our two
computers. Don't worry about it though. As long as I have this program working,
the rest will be easy. Gotta go. Have to do some downloading.
*** There is a reply:
#: 2583 S1/Software
01-Feb-86 07:05:31
Sb: #2568-xtalk
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Dave Dewald 76327,3616
The 3.5 version of Crosstalk XVI comes with a PCjr specific version of
the main program, I'm not sure about 3.4, but I'm reasonably certain that
you'll need to go to 3.5.
#: 2584 S4/Telecommunications
01-Feb-86 07:05:50
Sb: #2573-Modem
Fm: Dave Wollmann 72426,1663
To: Jean M. Hoogacker 70307,1447
The error you listed (99) is Turbo Pascal's `Unexpected End of File'
error. This is where there is a physical error in the file that the program is
trying to read. Does this message appear when you try to go to the dialing
directory? You may need a new copy of the program as this error indicates that
there is probably a hard error in one of the files that GT21 is trying to read.
Before going to the trouble of getting a new copy, try this; re-name your
dialing directory (GT.DIR), and your config file (GT.CNF) so that GT21 won't be
able to read them, then start the program ... this will cause it to create
these files over again, then try to use it, if you get the same error you
should get a new copy of the program, if not, just use the new files that were
Let me know how things go with the modem.
#: 2587 S7/SysOp's Desk
01-Feb-86 08:06:51
Sb: #2582-Comm programs
Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750
To: Mike West 76317,157
Mike - Great news! CISJRX isn't the best comm program in the world, but you'll
find that the "A" protocol works fine and is much more dependable than xmodem.
Enjoy! Don
#: 2592 S3/Tips & Techniques
01-Feb-86 12:14:26
Sb: Disk drive off
Fm: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164
To: All
Has anyone heard of a modification that can be made to the jr that would spin
the disk drive only when it is needed? A techie who has since moved did such a
modification to my old CP/M machine about a year ago...which has really saved a
lot of wear and tear on the drive and my disks. Thanks...
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